Welcome to Right Side of October

This is home to all those individuals who want to get back to basics and just plane old comon sense.

Friday, March 19, 2010

To begin or not to begin.

It has been a week since I first setup my blog site. I felt it was time to post something to the site. So, this is the beginning of what I would like to say and show to the world . . . . if that's who will see this blog. As you perhaps can tell, I'm new to this blogger thing. My generation never had computers and electronic devices. Boy am I glad we do today though. I couldn't imagine our world without them.

So, anyway, I have been giving it some thought as to what I want to express on this and future blogs without trying to offend anyone. I've come to the conclusion that I will say what needs to be said and not worry about who is offended or not. At my age, it doesn't matter. Most importantly, I realize I must be honest and truthful to my self first and not try to please any or everyone like I did most of my life. Life and time are to precious to waste on making everyone happy. It just doesn't work that way. Now that I got this much to say, I will give it some thought and be back soon with some thoughts about our country and the state of disarray that it is in.

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